Use of Alt. Energy Sources

As of 2006, China, Canada, Brazil, the United States and Russia have the highest net hydroelectric power generation. In recent years, China invested in numerous hydroelectric facilities, and is now the world's leading country in hydroelectric power generation. This type of power, however, is not limited to developed countries because rivers can be found all over the world and are natural sources for energy.
Hydroelectric power is the renewable source of energy most widely-used in the world and it represents approximately 19% of total electricity production.
In the United states, hydroelectric power is used in some states more than others. In places like Kansas, where large rivers with drop offs are not likely to be found, there are few hydroelectric power plants. In places such as Idaho, Washington, Oregon and South Dakota, where the topography is more suited to that needed for hydroelectric power, more plants are used.

In the United States,most of the geothermal energy is produced in the western states and Hawaii. Of all the states, California produces the most electricity from geothermal energy. In the United States, 7% of energy worldwide that comes from renewable resources. Of the 7%, 50% comes from biomass energy, 42% comes from hydroelectric energy, and 6% comes from geothermal energy. Out of all the energies used in the United States, geothermal energy is only about .35% of the total energy used. Hydroelectric energy is about 2.9% and biomass energy is about 3.3% of the total energy used.
In the world, renewable resources make up about 13% of all energy. Hydroelectric energy is 2.2% of all the energy, biomass energy is about 10.6%, and geothermal energy is only about .41% of all the world's energy. Wind and solar power make up the rest of the renewable energy sources. These percentages are very low in comparison to other energy sources in the world, mainly oil, coal and natural gases.